ERNO Bull Technology

April 13th, 2017

Dental technial laboratory ERNO Bull informed a smile radiates joy of life, friendliness and beauty. If you have nice teeth, laughs confidently and with a good feeling. Whoever doesn’t inherently beautiful teeth, can reach this smile with a perfectly matched tooth replacement solution. High quality and accurate production forms the basis for this. The dental laboratory Bull from Norderstedt used CAD/technology of cam to produce individualized dental reconstruction and to offer customers perfect solutions.

Digital denture CAD/CAM milling technology means dentures, which is made using a computer. CAD stands for computer aided design (computer-aided design), CAM means computer aided manufacturing (computer-aided manufacturing). The dental laboratory Bull from Norderstedt might want to provide optimised results to his patients and apply the CAD/CAM milling technology. First is the creation of a digital record of the dental situation. This is done using conventional Print models, stump preparations, model segments, etc. These are then detail by an accurate scanner covers. This information represented then 3D on the PC, so that the development of a virtual design on the PC is now possible.

(CAD). Is the planning completed, the transfer of the records to a proven milling center. The fully automated fast and above all accurate manufacturing of prosthetic restorations is made of an appropriate material. This allows a wide range of structures. The interaction of the components of scan data, CAD software, CAD-CAM software as well as selecting the right materials and experience in the field of CAD/CAM milling technology and dental technology guarantees perfect results. For detailed information about all services the dental laboratory Bull from Norderstedt is always available.

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February 10th, 2017 expands its portfolio to the product ‘CATS CLAW COMPLEX’ of the Dutch company Lucovitaal. Hardly a medically useful plant has seen such demand in recent years, such as cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa). Root and bark of the vine were used by the indigenous people of the rainforest has always been considered important medicinal plants. The active ingredients contained in the Liane can directly contribute to the strengthening of the immune system and can help build of new, healthy cells. Cat’s claw is often taken as a preventive agent against allergies, asthma, cancer, ulcers, and disorders of the digestive tract. In the United States, cat’s claw in the naturopathy has a very high priority, and is impossible to imagine. Scientific studies confirm that cat’s claw has an anti-viral, anti Leukemic, anti-inflammatory, immune-enhancing, anti-cancer and antioxidant effect in the United States. Cat’s claw application areas: strengthening the immune system, for flu-like infections, against Cellular Aging, stomach and duodenal ulcers, for cancer treatment (after consultation with the doctor).

Are other ingredients of cat’s claw complex: Coneflower (echinacea), Guarana, Cayenne, Canadian Goldenseal and vitamin C. The effects of the individual ingredients are scientifically well researched and documented. Cat’s claw complex is a useful dietary supplement not only for the cold period, but can be taken throughout the year. Cat’s claw complex can be taken by children (from about 10 years ago). Since it is about a 100% natural product is, there are no known adverse side effects. CAT’S CLAW COMPLEX”can be immediately ordered online at are under index.php? cat = WG04 & product = A-296 detailed information and order at or call 00800-872 456 22 (free from Germany and Austria)

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Digestive Tract digestive System

May 31st, 2016

The digestive system in the human body, our health depends on a balanced diet and a good digestion. Essential nutrients provide the necessary building blocks of the body. Often is thought only to his digestion, if you want to lose weight and take off for some reason. Is known that even a good digestion is essential for optimum skin care from inside the Schonheitsbewussten among us, and plays a not insignificant role in treating wrinkles. Only a healthy person can be naturally beautiful.

But how does the human digestive system, and what anyone can do for itself, to ensure an optimum digestion? Digestive system: Stomach and intestinal tract the digestive system begins in the mouth, where the food is crushed and mixed with enzymes of saliva. Then, the food moves through the esophagus into the stomach. There she is partially digested with other enzymes and acids, kills all harmful bacteria. In the small intestine, the food will be with mixed enzyme-containing secretions from the pancreas and the wall of the intestine and bile. The nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to the liver. In the large intestine, liquids are absorbed by the blood and the waste excreted. A functioning digestive system is the key to health and personal well-being.

The digestive system is weak or distorted, we feel we may be tired and are not able to concentrate or sleep. If the absorption in the gut is disturbed, such as duodenal ulcers or chronic diarrhea, valuable nutrients can be lost. Constantly changing diets and taking diet pills over a period of time, can affect the digestive negative. A constipation can cause many other complaints because of not excreted toxins. Digestion plays an important role in Chinese medicine. Stomach and spleen there are main organs of the digestive system. You are essential in the production of Qi energy. The protective Qi, which forms the basis of our immune system and our health depends on a healthy digestion. Many disorders of the digestive system can be turned off by a sensible diet. The meals should be taken regularly where breakfast is just as important as the other meals. Drink lemon every morning as first a glass of warm water with a splash. This brings your digestion going and detoxifies the organs by the Poisons of the previous day. You will be amazed what so a little trick, regularly applied, can do everything. One should take to dinner always calm and time and pay attention to a balanced, vitamin and fiber-rich diet. Image: planet-wissen.

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