Amadeus Mozart

January 26th, 2022

When a man dies, he will believe in the eternal light go into eternity, in the eternal rest, and called to the Almighty. With this approach, the death is considered part of human existence. “The grief must be reasonable, because we do not grieve as those who have no hope” 3. We all should go the same way as the death, which has already taken our liebenVerstorbenen is the fate of every man sooner or later. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, saw that death, the true purpose of our life is. An other approach says that we don’t want to die in the best years of our lives.

We have only the wish to die, if our suffering seems unbearable. What we really long in these times, is not really our death, but relief from the current suffering, but relief. We would experience again good times. We hope not to pain have more. We hope that our deceased loved ones alive again we had want to life and happiness”4. But can be death even as key to happiness? The doctrine of the immortality of the soul, of the immortality of the spirit foresees that the dying man in Christ takes the merry promise with him into the grave, that he will rise from this immortal again. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven in the commanding shout, with the voice of an Archangel and the sound of the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we, the living, left, will be caught at the same time with them in the clouds; the Lord meet in the air; and so we will be always with the Lord. So encourage each other now with these words.” 5. God is the beginning and the end, as the immortality of the soul is just the return to God, moving into the sky.

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January 4th, 2022

Both partners stuck more in an art problem spiral. Instead of constructively discussing improvements, you lose more and more in search of each other after the culprits. Who makes the first move? To end a relationship crisis, at least the willingness of a partner is required to go with positive contributions in everyday services and conflict resolution in advance. This requires however normally a heroic”step of self-control because is unlikely to occur in the short term with success in the form of the change in behavior of the partner. One must do it by two, needs a certain time to save the relationship of mutual benefit and comes only in gear if a partner is consistently and systematically in advance. The negative forecasts of partner behaviour preclude but also this form of self control, such as the personal negative emotions. Such a move of the self-control of one of the two partners is not made and demand both The series, the first step to make partner who is different, the separation process is unstoppable progress. Both partners enhance each other in the accumulation and the intensity of aversive measures.

Growing discontent and escalating conflicts encourage the separation tendencies. The fear of breaking the relationship in turn leads to a growing emotional stress situation and provoked the further escalation. A partnership is in such a crisis situation, thinking only orbiting the problem. This leads to the stuck”in the crisis, resignation, and gradually, that the entire relationship is to the problem and to the load. Paarcoaching independent and professional assistance in the way out of the crisis in such a situation, come couples usually without external, competent help in not out. In the solution-focused counselling, the problem is seen as something completely normal, that is part of the life of a constitutive element of the human development process. The personal resources of the The starting point for a solution-focused counselling for couples partner of the key to the solution is defined by clients located in a relationship crisis and stuck in the efforts to solve this. It is goal of the consultation, to identify personal competencies and social resources of both partners and to enable under the humanistic-oriented hypothesis that man generally has the ability to be able to master his life through their own efforts, positive. Solutions are considered in change a part of the system, so changes of perceptions, thoughts, behaviors. So couples can be supported in just a few sessions to rediscover themselves in the frame of the solution, and simply to reshape their relationship. Sandra Sopp Ebong

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