ERNO Bull Technology

April 13th, 2017

Dental technial laboratory ERNO Bull informed a smile radiates joy of life, friendliness and beauty. If you have nice teeth, laughs confidently and with a good feeling. Whoever doesn’t inherently beautiful teeth, can reach this smile with a perfectly matched tooth replacement solution. High quality and accurate production forms the basis for this. The dental laboratory Bull from Norderstedt used CAD/technology of cam to produce individualized dental reconstruction and to offer customers perfect solutions.

Digital denture CAD/CAM milling technology means dentures, which is made using a computer. CAD stands for computer aided design (computer-aided design), CAM means computer aided manufacturing (computer-aided manufacturing). The dental laboratory Bull from Norderstedt might want to provide optimised results to his patients and apply the CAD/CAM milling technology. First is the creation of a digital record of the dental situation. This is done using conventional Print models, stump preparations, model segments, etc. These are then detail by an accurate scanner covers. This information represented then 3D on the PC, so that the development of a virtual design on the PC is now possible.

(CAD). Is the planning completed, the transfer of the records to a proven milling center. The fully automated fast and above all accurate manufacturing of prosthetic restorations is made of an appropriate material. This allows a wide range of structures. The interaction of the components of scan data, CAD software, CAD-CAM software as well as selecting the right materials and experience in the field of CAD/CAM milling technology and dental technology guarantees perfect results. For detailed information about all services the dental laboratory Bull from Norderstedt is always available.

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