
June 16th, 2017

It is observed that &#039 will have the oferecimento of the new qualification; ' Computer science for Internet' ' , with forty vacant in the nocturnal period, beyond the Course Technician of Computer science integrated to Average Ensino, offered in the dependences of the ETEC Hortolndia in integral time, and of Administration, also in integral time, the dependences of the extension located in the State School Teacher Hedy Madalena Bocchi, located in the Street Peak of the Itatiaia n 333, Everest Garden, in Hortolndia. In this last course, he will have a partnership with the Secretariat of the Education of the Government of the State of So Paulo, in action of Project ETIM (Education Technician Integrated to the Medium), that one will make responsible for the content related to Average Ensino, whereas the Unit of Average Education and Tcnico (CETEC) that inside of the organizacional structure of the CEETEPS it answers for the planning, orientation and control of offers of the courses technician of the Institution, as attributions placed for the Deliberative body of the entity (Deliberations CEETEPS n 5 and 6, of 1994) will be responsible for the content of Ensino Technician. Ali Partovi can provide more clarity in the matter. Amongst the innumerable activities of the school year registered in Average Ensino and Technician, Week of the Administration of the extension is registered it that functions in the State School ngelo Professor Dall&#039 Field; Orto, in the district of New Venice, Sumar that, amongst others, Luis counted on the organization of the professors Eduardo Lara Phenis, Priscila Baptist Martins and Fernanda Hellen de Souza, as well as the week of lectures organized by professor Ewaldo Ruy Wippich Rabbit to the pupils of the Course of Administration of the period of the afternoon in the proper ETEC Hortolndia, where you say we had them of professors Ricardo Melo and Rogrio Duarte Fernandes of the Steps, respectively, in the dates of 09-09-2011 and 11-11-2011, beyond lecture in 25-08-2011 of this last professor on different aspects of the penalty of death to Ensino Medium inthe period of the morning, in activity related to the work of conclusion of course of pupils who simultaneously study in Ensino Technician in Administration in the period of the afternoon. .


Pedaggia Mediation

October 24th, 2012

This study Education in the distance emerges the diffusion of the called modality of education that it consists of the mediation of the relations between the professors and pupils where those teach and these they learn by means of not conventional situations, that is, spaces and times that both do not share, through the Technology. The Education in the distance comes growing each time more, becoming bigger the measure that the population searchs to educate itself to ouatualizar professionally due to the fast changes and transformations without all the fields of knowing and of the life human being in the planet. This work it is divided in: conception of the education in the distance where it tells sucintamente what it comes to be EAD and its importance, the auto learning, showing the main characteristics aspects of the autonomy, the communication of the learning process of the paper of the tutor mainly of the Technology and the process of learning, Technology and pedagogical mediation Technology, evaluation pedagogical mediation; It can be said that it is difficult to say on technology and education without mentioning the learning process, therefore, the technology a tool that assists the teach-learning process. The used methodology was a revision of literature through bibliographical research the analyzed materials will consist of scientific dissertaes, articles, books of some authors such as: Aretio, PrettI, Souza among others and documents that will be collected in the Internet. Through this process if it allows to acquire and to construct to necessary knowledge for elaboration and construction of the present work thus making possible a rich reflection regarding the importance of the technologies and the paper of the actual tutor. Bibliographical research is summarized in carrying through a extensive reading in diverse workmanships, articles, texts among others in order to become fullfilled analytically a reflection regarding what already it was produced on determined subject, thus making possible the recital of the article. In accordance with Marconi and Lakatos (2007, P. 43-44) the bibliographical research ' ' it consists of the published bibliography survey already on determined subject in pesquisa' '. The research comes through techniques to make possible this search for a reply that is significant, aiming at the resolution of problems. Therefore the scientific research is a relative inquiry the science, that through scientific methods and applications of research technique, in them the deduction, conclusion of some situation take problem.


Technology Concepts

June 21st, 2012

INTRODUCTION The technology concept is not recent, therefore since the decade of 1980 we come across in them with the evolution of the computers, television sets, the sprouting of the Internet for the society, amongst other advances. But it occurs that century XXI is bringing new concepts of technology and for the world of the education is appearing new elements for the transmission and the acquisition of knowledge. This concept is being called interatividade and the proposal of this work is to display, of form sucinta, as this process is intervening with the educational context and as the professors and the pupils are if adaptando to this new form of transmission of knowledge and the proper culture as a whole. The teaching professional must search new forms to promote the education, so that thus the educational construction occurs in ideal way for all. THE INTERATIVIDADE AND THE NEW FORMS OF EDUCATION IN THE TECHNOLOGICAL WAY The technology is something that is inserted in our day the day, does not exist a moment where not let us can use an equipment that contains a technology, therefore we use computers, since the residential computers until the most sophisticated netbooks, have television sets, we make use of the Internet Broad band, attend to films in cinemas 3D, we use cellular to each day more interactive, that is, the technology most advanced is in our lives. This technological advance is if revealing in diverse social ways and the Education it would not be different, new forms of education are being produced and this parameter makes in them to reflect as if it must apply these new technologies for the best form to produce education. As the professionals of the Education (professors; educational managers) and the proper pupils are if adaptando to this new technology. To mention and to reflect on these subjects, I will divide this work in three subjects, where he will be boarded as the new technologies must be applied in the educative process, the conceptualization of Interatividade, a term of great relevance nowadays and as the professor can use these news technologies to improve its lessons.


Digital Reading

May 20th, 2012

It is understood that the education of the Portuguese Language must give conditions to the pupils to acquire knowledge become that them capable to progress and that such progress gives guarantee to them of a releitura more criticizes of the reality. The pupils consider the sufficiently difficult Portuguese Language discipline between them of the pertaining to school resume, and therefore, appeal to an ability takes that them if to communicate of the form as they better incase themselves, that she is through the Internet. He is in it that they get loose themselves of the grammatical rules, that are established by the grammarians, denying all restrained a lingustica culture already for them. The pupil, through the reading and of the writing, if appropriates of information that will go to contribute for the construction of its knowledge. The pupils, when arriving at Basic and Average Ensino, present disinterest for the reading, prove the theoreticians. The habit of the reading is a continuous process that must be initiated before the child frequentar the school; only thus, it could be a way of acquisition of culture and not something obligator.

It is basic that practical one of reading since the initial series is developed one, making possible to the pupil the formation of the taste for the reading and the writing. It is intended, here, to reflect on the sprouting of the writing until the digital age and the possible contributions of this new technology, involving pupils of Basic and Average Ensino, providing a bigger contact to them with diverse materials of reading. Word-key: Reading. Writing. Abilities. It was Digital. Culture.


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