The Outlet

February 25th, 2020

Here is the reason for the absurdity of talking about an artificial intelligence to speak of our computers, we say that they are not wrong (or, at least it is forbidden to make a mistake): is necessary than a precision such that have no means of failure and give solution. We have laughed much of the theory of the animales-maquina of Descartes, because talk of the animales-maquina, was infinitely less ridiculous in the 17TH century that speak what we speak today, the electronic brain, in other words of cerebros-maquinas. In each of these two cases, it is, in reality, a metaphor that has absolutely no scientific value, metaphor that we don’t do that return it: Descartes compared the animals with machines, we compare machines with animals, and, – lo more absurd!-, with human animals! In reality, although in the case of the animal or machine, we will have a work of two types of operation that have nothing to do with our operation which, in this case the of your computer (which precedes save and drain, in other words memory and program) is even infinitely more simple than the animal. Since the animal is able to have a certain degree of abstraction: sensoriality and perception of which he, like us, has the ability (as opposed to the computer!), have a natural treatment: it can happen, as I have already shown you, that taking an object forwards the animal to the outlet of another object you imagine (in the sense of the theories of Sartre(, and not analytical). Additional information at technology investor supports this article. He tried the object in a particular way, a first object forwarded him a second, and little imagination that it has, that second forwarded it to a third party, etc. That is what is defined as a series. You want to say that if you call the first index object, and to the second sense, the second object can transform, regarding serial, in the index of the third object that becomes its sense, rather than in the series no matter what subject can be index and the sense according to the place it occupies. .

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