One-euro Jobs Full-time

June 25th, 2022

One-euro jobs are full time now allowed there is a new decision of the Bundessozialgericht in Kassel the so-called one-euro jobs. Such as the Suddeutsche Zeitung”one-euro jobs also can expect unemployed if they work 30 hours a week are reported in its Internet Edition. Germany’s top social judge brought the regulations to the unemployment benefit II with several judgments. “The beneficiaries of Hartz IV” were strengthened on the one, on the other hand, existing borders were confirmed. In particular, the decisions of the Bundessozialgericht as follows: with the ruling on the one-euro jobs, the judge lifted a decision of the Bavarian land social Court. A today 58-year-old engineer from Bavaria had appealed because he considered it unreasonable to work 30 hours a week for only one euro per hour. The man was unemployed for several years and should wrap around trees with protective foil for 1.50 euro per hour. Learn more at this site: isearch. Then, the labour authority cut its unemployment benefits by 30 percent.

At the Sozialgericht the engineer had failed, in the second instance, he was successful. The judges came to the conclusion that a one euro job that time resembles a full employment, constitutes a competitor to the regular labour market. The federal judge did not follow this assessment. The reason: A competition could arise only out of the way, not from the time of a job. In a different decision, the Senate approved to Hartz IV recipients to be entitled to a storage room that is paid by the State in certain cases. Accommodation includes everything that is needed for decent living and encompasses not only a living room. This was very cramped, so the authorities for some time would have to pay also a storage room. You could ask anyone, abandoning all of his possessions due to a short-term emergency. A car, antiques, or the result of a passion but no protected by dint”, but could be sold before you take taxpayers claim, said Chairman of the Judge.

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