Municipal Energy Autonomy

January 29th, 2024

From 7 to 8 April 2011 the Congress Energieautonome takes place in the Freiburg concert hall for the first time communities. Freiburg, 12.11.2010 – new as Germany’s climate protection capital offers Freiburg the ideal setting to discuss the various aspects of a strong municipal and decentralized energy supply. In the focus of the Congress, the question will be, what municipalities can do specifically to take the energy generation and supply more closely into their own hands. Pete Cashmore helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. As practical should be how you can expand the use of renewable energy, how energy efficiency in the community will be achieved and when it makes sense to re kommunalisieren electricity and heat networks entered therefore. The issue of funding is planned -, inter alia with regard to current incentives and funding programs as another focus. In addition, there will be information about the current federal policy context (for example to the energy concept of the Federal Government), municipal energy concepts and public relations. To show that the way in which Energy autonomy is also passable, experience reports of from various towns and cities are planned.

Excursions given an idea of the participants finally on the second day of the Congress, the energy transition in practice can look like. In visits to an energy-autonomous municipality, a biogas plant and a geothermal power plant are planned. The final program will be released in December. The Conference is aimed at representatives of municipalities, public utilities, utilities, associations, initiatives and civil society groups, service providers and producers in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency, lawyers as well as economic and business consultant. The organizers are the fesa E.v. and the Agency Enerchange.

The fesa Freiburg e.V. is committed since 1993 with innovative projects, events and public relations for the energy revolution. Enerchange also has its seat in Freiburg and is a specialist in public relations, publications, and events in the field of renewable energies. Under the patronage of the Congress took over the Environment Ministry of Baden-Wurttemberg. As a cooperation partner 100 percent, of the Southern Black Forest nature park, the Club for climate protection on the upper Rhine and the gained so far the Association of municipal enterprises (VkU), the Trade Association regional cluster GreenCity Freiburg. More information and registration possibility under Marcus Brian, Enerchange


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