Italian Kitchens

August 3rd, 2022

Such substances cousins we see today in great evidence in the gastronomia of many countries, that without same the kitchens total would be deprived of characteristics. A good example would be to think about the Italian culinria without the tomatoe, most famous and perhaps consumed product of the world. Originary of Peru, it was led for Spain for the tamers. For 1500 return, it had the aboriginal name of Aztec origin, ' ' tmalt' '. In the Europe they had baptized, it of apple of Peru, for being of great resistance. The tomatoe if acclimatizes easily being able to be produced with great easiness in any ground, and through the use of artificial techniques, in such a way, in the current days tomatoes of diverse species, sizes and colors can be found as the green ' ' fresadilla' ' until yellow, beyond the glorious and popular red.

Another one that has its origin in the South America is the beans. This leguminoso was taken for ' ' country of bota' ' , Italy in 1529, for PIERO VALERIANO, and data of gift for its sanctity CLEMENT Pope VII. after this almost 500 years later sources they say to exist 12 a thousand different types with varied colors, flavors and formats. The potatoes, also you would originate from Peru, had been led for Spain, for 1570 return. Soon later if they had spread for the North America, for the hands of the English. She was consumed in abundance for the low clergy persuaded by the royalty that said to consume in abundance this food, in such a way, having little cost and killing the hunger of they consumed that it finding that kings and ate it daily to monarchs Today through many research the scientists say to be produced in the world about 300 tons of potatoes annually, and if she becomes each day alimentary source for many people.

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