
July 24th, 2022

With the new life which had begun in the huts of the master, Sergei obtained permission to leave wealthy widow in Nanking and became smoke not to interfere in the formation of Noble Ting Chang. You dealt with everything worked normally although he could not participate in what was happening on the other side of the River. One afternoon, while the Maestro was fed to carp, approached and told him. My life is pretty routine and I don’t know if I walk on the road. Every day look alike, dress and eat, sleep and work.

We are very fortunate, Sergei, because we can wear and eat, sleep and work. I do not understand very well, master. ANDA, baffled Hare, let’s eat and then rest. There is nothing to understand. Those who have eaten and rested yesterday are not the same that are going to do it today. Teacher, I feel somewhat scatterbrained. Do not we going to be the same yesterday, and the same tomorrow? Listen to what happened to the Buddha when his cousin Devadatta, filled with envy by not being able to appear among his disciples most nearby, he insulted him and scolded him until moved by anger threw you a huge cliff from a slope when the Buddha was heading to the bathroom. The blessed dodged it and continued on his way without flinching.

Often cousin! Thus it is better to have no relatives, as happens to me. The next day, the Buddha saw his cousin who is trying to hide at a turn of the road and headed towards him to hug him with affection. But how you are able to not keep my rancor after what you did yesterday?, said full penalty. Blessed Theratava, the Buddha of compassion, he said with a wide smile while he pushed his arms: because thou who threw the Crag or I am that passed through there when that rock slipped by the hillside. wow! Everything changes, Sergei. As the waters of this river. Can you imagine that the Buddha would have bothered because a tree was uprooted by the wind and lifted him? Against who would direct his anger? Original author and source of the article.


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