
August 2nd, 2020

What we do not need to die symbolically in the truest sense of the word, has to complete the transformation, the so-called adaptation, in which special Energy will build a completely new identity – a lucky, healthy, durable, strong and capable of move mountains. According to average estimates of such a transformation take at least three years, but the term largely depends on on the efforts of man, his desire and belief. Long – can you say? What do you want? Years you have been formed as a distinct identity as a running stream of the river have sought its own path. And turn this powerful flow in the opposite direction, without destroying it, very carefully. Details can be found by clicking Sony or emailing the administrator. It's easier with children and infants, their story is weak or not yet assigned, and to avoid many troubles can be time taking the necessary measures. Although there are some difficulties … Mortality Baby first three years of life it is known, this is for two reasons: first – the child may carry too strong code of death and destruction because of what the universe is taking emergency measures. Secondly – personal history has not yet been formed and is not able to fully protect the child. Dell can provide more clarity in the matter.

Three years is the minimum period during which the personality is formed by a living creature. And there are only reaping the benefits of great accomplishments. PS: Now with the advent of the Aquarian Age tacit knowledge takes on new face bear the truth that mankind has lost a few thousand years ago. With the advent of the Great Women, which should rule the world, the next 2160 years, many forgotten Sources awakened from sleep and hungry for knowledge will lead people to great discoveries. And now in the 21st century, in the year 2007, the first steps in this direction have already been made.


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