The Mystery Of The Life

July 7th, 2015

' God that made the world and everything what in it has, being it Gentleman of the sky and the land because he himself is who of to all the life, the breath, and all the things. Therefore in it we live, and we move in them, and existimos' '. 17,24-28 acts One human being? this complex collection of brain and bones, blood and agencies, thoughts, feelings and knowledge? one alone cell with about 0,00254 cm of width starts as. In normal conditions, the fecundao happens after a sexual act, since that the woman is in its fertile period. It is the moment where a spermatozoon penetrates in vulo. From then on, the two cells (gametas) are established giving to origin to a zygote or cell-egg. After fecundada, the cell if divides quickly until arriving more than at the six trillions of cells of the new baby. From the conception, it has beginning a period of nine months during which a new life if develops.

The Salmista Davi with much property said: ' ' Therefore you created my interior; entreteceste me in the womb of my mother. Praise I you because in a terrible and wonderful way I was formed; wonderful they are your workmanships, and to my he knows it very soul well. My bones had not been hidden you, when in occult I was formed your eyes turn my body still informs. Every day that they had been commanded for me, in I book had been written when none of them had ainda' '. Salmos 137,13-16 the beginning of a new life human being is something frightful and wonderful. In the fourth week, the heart of the embryo starts to beat. The embryo has the basic form of a human being. The face appears; arms and legs, with fingers and artelhos, are clearly discernible. Weighing 340 grams and measuring 25 centimeters, the embryo of 20 weeks already has sensations of pleasure and pain, already he possesss hair and for the ones in the body, the fingerprints already are visible.


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