Cost Accounting

July 18th, 2014

X Cost Accounting for goods and raw materials, the inclusion of costs in cost of goods and finished products. X Supplies of goods "to order" customers, control the passage of the order. X Accounting gte products, licenses, certificates and certificates. X Plan payments to suppliers, monitoring and analysis of accounts payable, account trade credit from the supplier. X planning and forecasting requirements in the procurement of goods, raw materials, depending on the sale or production. X Taking into account all types of members, from the suppliers of primary documents. – – Management agreements with contractors.

Forming and maintaining a database of contracts with customers, suppliers and contractors. Procedure and approval of contracts. X Formation of the texts of treaties on the basis of templates. Storing scanned contracts and other files in the database. X control treaty deadlines, typing contracts. Travel in negotiating a treaty. Levels of financial authority employees to sign contracts. – – Breakdown products.

Ability to organize tree-like sections. X Viewing the current slide or the real cost of goods and history of the changes cost. X View balances, planned supply, reserves to the card products.


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