Correct Translation

May 29th, 2011

You have completed Foreign Languages and do not want 'to work at his uncle'? Or are already working in the translation bureau and tired of the exploitation of the host-bourgeois? Or simply have en-ing the amount of money and choose where to invest them properly? All the questions a Reply – Organize your own translation! What you need to organize konkurenotosposobnoe translation? 1. We, the law-abiding translators, first collect all the necessary documents and register in as a legal entity or a private entrepreneur. Predporchtitelnee legal entity, as the organization byzyvaet greater confidence in the potential client, rather than a single translator. 2. Now ischim office. First it can be one room, but always with a phone and broadband internet.

3. Further buying a few computers, a modern printer, scanner and fax. 4. The next step – selection of staff. Previous stages of organization our translation office 'Barnyard', are the importance of more theoretical than practical. Now we come to the most factor – the staff, which in the opinion of Comrade Stalin decide everything.

However, in Translation Bureau to deal with staff how to deal with them, the father of peoples, not advise, you can go without employees. But seriously, your first candidate for the position of an interpreter should be invited to test defining their professional level. If you have at the opening of offices do not have much money to sostavt serious competition in the translations for major languages, then probably the best option would be the beginning of establishment of a bureau of translation of rare languages. In our case it was a Slovenian. So what are looking for translators with the Slovenian and other rare languages. Next you need to find a competent editor who will distribute the work between translators translated them and put parts together. And finally, hire a manager (or several) that will communicate with customers, working with translators and other officials. Administrator should compliance with the conditions of transfer (time, quality, and other conditions). 5. Now it's time to conduct an advertising company. After selecting translators, advertising – it is the second most important phase of the Translation Bureau. Advertising – the engine trade. In our case, advertising – it is the engine togrovli translation services. The old antiquated way of advertising – newspaper ads. way, though antiquated, but still works pretty well. Use. The modern way to advertise the translation – is the internet. Create your site in the network, and not skimp on buying good domain and quality hosting. Any legal person is suspicious, if it could not or did not want to buy normal domain. In this scenario, the client may refuse services firm, not even acquainted with the proposal, because the translation bureau is now very much the client should not be a single drop of doubt of the seriousness of your organization. You have created a website at first did not lead to you a single customer. To make it work, you need to hire an experienced professional to promote the site and put his condition – the conclusion of your site in the top ten issue major search engines for your key demands (see note). Use other methods of advertising via the Internet: contextual advertising, mailing lists, forums, social networking, pr in the internet. Ways to advertise a lot and you can, moreover, think of your own. If all steps are passed, no error is made, now you do not know hanging up on customers and are thinking only about the expansion of its business. So, good luck to you on this way!


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