Analytical Dimension

December 31st, 2023

In order to extend the analytical dimension of the criticidade from the literary studies of its poems, poetical compositions of simple language, free verse, are on the nature and are felt as simple ‘ ‘ guard of rebanho’ ‘ that it is only imported in sees the world without explanation, therefore, for it, only interests what if it can catches by means of the sensations. It is necessary to stand out that Caeiro looks for to substitute the thought for the perceptions, the reflection for the vision right of the things. Bobby Sharma Bluestone can provide more clarity in the matter. The essence of its poetry is the world encircles that it: trees flowers, sheep, amongst others. Its poetical workmanship is formed by three sets of poems: ‘ ‘ The Guard of Flock; The Loving Shepherd and Inconjunto’ Poems; ‘ Fernando Antnio Walnut Person was born in the year of 1888, in Lisbon, died in 1935, the same city, was one of the most important writers and poets of modernismo in Portugal. Its first publications occur during the nationalistic movement of 1910 the 1915, in this period, participated as ensasta and criticize literary, in the magazine the Eagle, directed for Teixeira de Pascoaes. In 1935, the health of the Portuguese poet started to present complications.

In this year it was hospitalized with heptica clica, probably caused for the extreme alcoholic beverage consumption and had its premature death, to the 47 years. Fernando Person presents a multiplicity of vises of world, at the moment, where he constructs its we heternimos, endowed with biographies, poetical personalities and with proper characteristics. Heternimo Alberto Caeiro is considered by Fernando Person as ‘ ‘ mestre’ ‘ of the other heternimo and proper itself, buclico poet, lives in direct contact with a nature was born in Lisbon in 1889, a blond young, of blue eyes, average structure, but its life in the field lived almost all, therefore, it did not have profession, nor education, the parents had died early it started to live with its old aunt and died tuberculoso in 1915.


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