San Jose

July 7th, 2015

I checked the time on the clock and saw that it was 7 am, then I decided to drink until they were 12 Noon. Meanwhile I put music on television and amused myself singing and crying and enduring the anxiety by drinking, and I think I slept. I woke up at 7 pm, all was dark again and the TV invited me to dance and sing, but I felt an impending thirsty, so I grabbed a liter of whiskey and drank a good bit, enough to sing again and not have the edge. I opened the door to my backyard and watched the sky full of clouds and drizzle cooled my face, so I undressed and walked around the side to soak my meat and dirty soles of the feet with mud and grass. I was relieved, almost happy, almost free. I joined back to my house and closed the door. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Peter Asaro. In my room had a smell of old clothes, old sweat, the suffering painted on the wall, and jumped into bed. Television became my best friend while he drank slowly and in smaller numbers than yesterday, and fell asleep. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Howard Schultz.

But I had a dream: I had a hard paved and very perpendicular, which started up and had some old wooden houses, it was night, no rain and when he reached the summit I met with many bags of trash and green black runs on my right and my left and above them many vultures enjoying its content, but I felt fear, not even looked at me, it was as if I can not perceive or care about it at all, so I set my eyes forward and saw a wide, clean streets paved in black. I felt peace, had returned from hell, was home again. The next day, I woke up much better, had breakfast fruit, and even drank coffee. No baby liquor. I showered. I got dressed and left my house. I walked through the city without fear, although a little surprised at so much garbage and noise. I spoke with a friend and asked me where I was and I replied that I was walking outside the city of San Jose.

He invited me to coffee. Then I walked and walked all over town looking for a vulture, but only found garbage bags of green and black. Hoping to find them tomorrow, I returned to my house and I took one quarter of whiskey to sleep pure life, as it always had. In my memory, ever recover the observer I knew within me, whenever I look forward to experience another moment like being alive and not recognize it at the moment, it is really wonderful and unforgettable. Now I drink become accustomed, but I do miss the crows and buzzards. End



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