How To Choose A Digital Camera ?

August 7th, 2012

This post is intended to guide those who wish to enter the world of digital photography, because it is very common to run into an avalanche of incomprehensible technical for most mortals. Basically it is a guide to choose which type of camera is best suited to our needs and thereby evaluating the various offers which are in the market. If you want to leave a comment about this guide, ask questions about items not included, or just say hello, make sure to visit the forum for this guide. Contents 1. Screen 2.

Resolution 3. Camera lens 4. Size of the camera 5. Storage 6. Screen Batteries Most cameras come with two viewers: an optical and LCD screen.

The first is the display like the traditional pocket cameras, which we have to look through a peephole. If the camera is the type reflex (or SLR), what we see through the viewfinder is really what goes through the lens of the camera. If the camera is NOT reflex, we are looking through a “hole” located next to the real lens. The latter produces the picture taken not look exactly the same frame that we had chosen. The second type of display is a liquid crystal display (LCD) as the top photo, where we can see exactly the frame of the picture, as well as the photo just taken, functions and features of the camera in question . Such screens usually have a slight delay for the image that really caught, ie: we will be seeing an image on the screen and release the shutter when the camera caught the picture may not be exactly what saw (usually the delay is a few milliseconds …



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