SYSTEM Biologist

February 5th, 2016

The adaptation of the IEP to the current scene has as main bias the strategical perception, that will be useful in the conduction to the objectives and goals considered for the managers. In this panorama in permanent change, where the chances and threats are constant, the elaboration and application of general strategies and marketing are a process that needs a proper dynamics, so that the engessamentos, diametralizaes and retrocessions are prevented. Thus being, this study it intends to present some theoretical and practical quarrels regarding the competitive strategies of the education institutions contemporaries. 2 IEP: SYSTEM, STRATEGIES AND 2,1 DECISIONS Proposal sistmica In the decade of 40, the German biologist Ludwig Von Bertalanffy, in its scientific and philosophical immersions, met ahead of a prompt questioning: the division of science in myriad you discipline, that they generated new sub-you discipline. In consequence, it alerted who the physicist, the biologist, the psychologist and the social scientist were encapsulated in its private universes (closed system), making impracticable the view of the word of a cocoon to the other. It perceived that it was necessary to not only study parts and processes separately, but also to search solutions for the decisive problems and in the order unify that them, resultant of the dynamic interaction of the parts, becoming different the behavior of these when treated to isolated form or when treated in all. The biologist finished for provoking a disorganization of the reinantes ideas that teimavam in strengthening the concept ' ' algoritmo' ' , guaranteeing the survival of the closed, isolated and refractory systems. It defended the legitimacy in general demanding a theory of applicable universal principles to the systems. It thought who if the theoreticians wanted to apply the model of the open systems were necessary to arrive at the generalization of the proper theory that was related not it units physics, but the biological units.


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