Shaving Laser

March 15th, 2018

The fotodepilacin is the elimination of the hair by means of the use of the light. Therefore, the technique of light pressed intense (IPL) like the one of the laser includes so much. The advantage of the IPL on the laser is that, when working multiple wavelengths, the fotodepilacin is guaranteed for the majority of type of skin and color of hair. In addition, she is much more economic and completely painless. Technique IPL " cliente&quot allows to personalize the treatment based on each; , they affirm from No+Vello. Its recommendation is to go to the session with the clean skin, that is to say, without creams, deodorant and maquillaje, as well as not to use products that contain alcohol during the three first days. It is important to work with specialists, that they can evaluate your type of skin.

For it is necessary to realise a test to know in depth the characteristics each type skin, from the tone, the freckles, the importance of the color of eyes or the assiduity with which the sun is taken. WHICH IS YOUR FOTOTIPO OF SKIN? Following the results of the test and of the characteristics of each person, like the color of the hair, the tone of the skin, if you have freckles or no, etc., fototipo of skin can be known and be calculated of approximate form your. This will help you to know how your skin is vulnerable to the light and to personalize the treatments to obtain a shaving effective laser and. The number of sessions depends on your fototipo of skin, characteristics of the hair, area to try, sex and age. After the fotodepilacin, between a 30% and 40% of the hair of the treated zone it will be fallen little by little, approximately to the second or third week to realise the session. Next the 8 of March we will have in, in Stroll Marquess of Drip jar 44 Madrid, a complete day spent to fotodepilacin sessions and fotorejuvencimiento.

It reserves your appointment on telephone 91 356 17 53 and you will free obtain one first session of fotodepilacin of armpits! That it is the fotodepilacin? The fotodepilacin is based on the principle of the selective fototermlisis: the light is transformed into heat and it destroys the germinative cells of the pilar follicle of selective form. The result is the elimination of the hair. The treatments consist of 8 to 10 sessions. The treated zone remains shaved from the first session and we, at least, guaranteed the elimination of 80% of the hair in all type of skins and for all the tonalities of hair. That it is the fotorejuvenecimiento? Denominated face Fotorrejuvenecimiento or IPL is one of the most innovating treatments within the field of the Aesthetic one. The treatment consists of the direct application of light pressed intense on the objective zone, that previously will be protected by a cold gel which, at the same time, favors the conduction of the light obtaining a greater effectiveness. This technique allows that the heat generated by the pressed light destroys the injury, which will be descamando and clarifying gradually. In addition, it is obtained, without no type of negative effect and pain, the stimulation of the colgeno and the connective weave that will be translated in one more a younger and luminous skin.


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