Nursing And Euthanasia: An Approach With New Technologies, Old Problems

September 20th, 2012

Summary: It was objectified to show the difficulties that the process of the death and dying and the euthanasia bring for the nursing professionals; To promote a reflection concerning the ethical quandaries that involve the euthanasia; To demonstrate the importance of a well prepared professional in its scientific bases, in order to assist it in its resolutions in the quandaries of this largeness; To defend the well bigger life as, above of any chain of defense, or in any situation. One is about a carried through bibliographical research in magazines of health, periodic and for the Internet in the databases LILACS and ScIELO, with articles published in the period between 2006 and 2009. 16 articles had been selected that dealt with the subject, being these published in complete and online. We evidence that the factors that more they corroborate for the legalization of the euthanasia, or same illegal practical its, are the expenses in the hospital assistance that these patients promote, the lack of stream beds, the fatigue of the family, and the partner-cultural vision of life, either of the family, of government and of the proper individual. Much distortion concerning a question if makes for the lack of the agreement, of the real conceptualization of a word, being able to take the attitudes without assertive, seen only this deceit. It has difference between pain and suffering, and assistance and treatment, however I fear all they as synonymous and this lack of agreement can in them take the disastrous choices. The nursing professional cannot open hand of its continued education, providing one better agreement ahead of the situations of biotico matrix, so that thus its knowledge can be ranks in practical, in responsible way and joust to it, as well as, of its permanent education, reflecting of problematizadora form, interdisciplinarmente pluridisciplinar and the contexts that if present in the work process. The nursing must always work in favor of the promotion of the person, valuing its autonomy and dignity, and that knowledge without practical intervention and is null, therefore the nursing possesss stops with society one commitment.


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