
January 2nd, 2017

Your thoughts are creative. You create your life, your reality, based on the thoughts that you have. This is thus thanks to a wonderful universal law called the law of the attraction. The law of the attraction responds to your thoughts, mainly to your dominant thoughts and still more to which they are loaded of a strong touching load. If the thought is positive, then you attract your life positive things. If the thought is negative, you attract negative things. That simple. It is for that reason that is vital for your happiness, to learn to differentiate a negative thought from one positive.

This is easy to do when we become conscious from our thoughts. Ali Partovi wanted to know more. But if we consider that by our mind happens more than 10,000 thoughts to the day, then, we faced before a great disadvantage. How to control more than 10,000 thoughts? It is practically impossible to have the control on all our thoughts but you can easily have the control on your emotions. For you he is simple to feel if you are sad, gotten depressed, distressed, contented, happy, etc. These emotions identify you them with much facility. It is for that reason that if you focus your attention on the emotions, in how you feel, is easy to discover his to you the thoughts that you are lodging are positive or negative. When you feel badly then you know that you are having negative thoughts and, therefore, you are attracting your life negative things. On the contrary, when you feel well you have positive thoughts and you attract your life positive things, people and events. You already know the power your thoughts now only you must learn to use your thoughts to your favor.


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